Sunday, January 3, 2010

A very snowy day.

At Hess Rd Church we have a Soup Kitchen, its not the type of soup kitchen that you may be thinking of right now as read this. Its a place for the church family to get together and talk about the past week and what the coming week has instore. I don't know about any one else that particpates but for me its alot of fun. I hope to also feature a recipe for one of our soups here in this blog.
I don't know who is reading this or even if any one is but if there is any one in the Western New York Area is reading this you have a little bit of an idea what our weather is like. To put it mildly it feels like its below zero and its snowing sideways and the wind is absolutely howling. We usually have a large turn out but the weather put a severe damper on things this morning. Like most hardy New Yorkers we carried on with a lovely menu of Chicken noodle soup, Italian sauage and potato, Lobster bisque, and Chili. Earlier in the week my mother and I were discussing who we should call to help get this off the ground again after a few weeks off. My mother said that I should call Mrs. Pollock and ask her to make Chili. Well when I called I left a message on the machine asking if she would like to make soup for Sunday and to please let me know if there was a problem. Later that day I received a message stating that she would love to make Chili for Sunday. We had a laugh about that. We watched as Aiden ate white cake with frosting and sprinkles all other his face, his clotes and the carpet. There was as always much laughter and trading of stories most titled how I got to church this morning. So to those of you who stayed home we missed you and to those of you who made it I totally salute you.
Recipe for Loster Bisque
3 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 Tablespoons all purpose flour
1/2 cup minced onoin
2 Tablespoons shallots
2 Tablespoons celery
1 Tablespoon garlic
1 Teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cayene pepper
1 cup fish stock or vegetable stock
2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon crab boil (I used Old Bay just cut the cayene out if you do Because it gets to hot)
1/2 LB of lobster (i cheated and used fake stuff)
1/4 cup green onoins
Heat the oil in a pot and stir in the flour allowing it to brown slightly. takes about 5 or 10min. then add your onions, celery,garlic, salt and cayene(if your using it.) Stir in the stock add the bay leavesbring it to a boil. Add the milk, heavy cream, and crab boil. stir in the green onion and lobtser. simmer 5 minutes and serve.